Complaint about clinics in The Netherlands

Note: only for complaints about Dutch clinics.

Note: this form is meant only for complaints about our Dutch clinics. For other countries, please visit

Please contact us first

High quality care for your animal and you is of the utmost importance to us at AniCura. Do you have points for improvement for us or a complaint? Please contact us in person so we can discuss your points for improvement. We prefer to hear your complaint or tip from you personally, but you can also use our complaint form below.

Sharing your complaint is preferable
directly with the clinic.

Need contact details of your clinic? Find your clinic here.

Submit feedback or complaint?

Would you rather submit your feedback or complaint via a form? Please use the form below.

Laten we het hebben over gebitsverzorging

Veel eigenaren van gezelschapsdieren geloven dat de tanden van hun vriend(in) gezond zijn, terwijl dit vaak niet het geval is. Wist u dat 80% van de volwassen honden en katten last heeft van gebitsproblemen? Het kan lastig zijn om dit te herkennen. Wij helpen u graag om uw hond een gezondere glimlach te geven.


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