Gesloten per 1 maart 2025

Onze kliniek op de Ginnekenweg sluit per 1 maart. U bent van harte welkom in ons Dierenziekenhuis op de Asselbergsstraat 10 in Breda. Maak een afspraak.

Maria Esteves

Maria Esteves

Maria Esteves

I am Maria Esteves and I am a veterinarian at AniCura Breda.


I have studied 'Mestrado em Medicina Veterinária' at University de Évora, which is located in Portugal. I have always have an interest on science and medicine. Since I love working with animals for me the obvious choice was Veterinary Medicine.

My work

Every day is different when you work at a veterinary clinic and I find that very interesting. I am passionate about my work and love taking care of animals.'I have an interest in Internal Medicine , Feline Medicine, Pathology and Emergency and Critical Care. I enjoy learning more about what I am passionate about, that is why I take several courses in these subjects throughout the year.

Leisure time

In my free time I play volleyball and practice horsebackriding. I have two beautiful cats. Jimmy and Bart. They were both rescued and have a happy life taking long naps and pushing objects off the table.

Laten we het hebben over gebitsverzorging

Veel eigenaren van gezelschapsdieren geloven dat de tanden van hun vriend(in) gezond zijn, terwijl dit vaak niet het geval is. Wist u dat 80% van de volwassen honden en katten last heeft van gebitsproblemen? Het kan lastig zijn om dit te herkennen. Wij helpen u graag om uw hond een gezondere glimlach te geven.


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